Quora is a site that allows users to post questions about anything and answer questions other users may have. The questions and answers are sorted and stored according to topic and can be edited or have suggestions proposed for edits by other users. This site is somewhat similar to other services like Yahoo Answers. When a user answers a question other users can upvote or downvote the answer, allowing the most popular choice to be at the top, usually meaning that it answers the question better than other answers available. This voting method is very similar to that which has been implemented on Reddit.
I think Quora is a neat site since it integrates with Facebook and Twitter. This allows users to see what their friends have questions about or may be able to answer themselves. I can tell that Quora may not be that popular as only one of my Facebook friends is using Quora, although, others may have chose not to connect with Facebook or Twitter. Quora offers a unique way for users to get answers to their questions that they may not be able to find anywhere else on the web.
Quora could be incredibly helpful for a company. A person with a question about the company's product or use could ask on Quora. The company could then answer them directly on Quora. This allows not only the person who asked the question to see the official answer from the company but also others who may be searching for the same information. A business could also pose questions to the public about what the public would like to see happen with products or services. Many companies have educated guesses at what the public wants. With Quora, the company could instead ask the customers directly.
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