Thursday, June 2, 2011

Delicious - My thoughts, its purpose, and its business uses.

Delicious is a site that helps people store, discover and share the web through bookmarks. I had never used Delicious before writing this blog, but had heard of it. The last time I heard of Delicious it was in its old form of When using the site I noticed how easy to navigate it was. Also, the site was friendly to many browsing platforms, which is a must for a social networking site. I like the idea behind the site of sharing everyone's aspect or favorite part of the internet. It helps people discover what they may have been missing from  the web that they would probably want to ad to their own bookmarks.

The purpose of the site is to have users share their favorite bookmarks. Say a user reads books often and has favorite sites, such as an author's site. If there is a site related to that author's tag, it can be listed on Delicious, letting that user explore a site they may not have known about. In turn, that user can share a site on Delicious others may not have known about, making the whole experience beneficial for everyone involved. The site serves it purpose and does so quite well.

A business could use Delicious to tag their industry, their service, their product, an event related to their company, or any other tag they want to come up when searched. It can help spread the news about their business or service not by word of mouth, but by word of web. Something someone saw and bookmarked can be shared and visited by a whole new audience that may have been searching for a company just like theirs. This also puts a sort of trust behind the links on Delicious. If a person went out of their way to bookmark a business, others will be more likely to check it out.

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